Smashin' Greens Challenge Guidelines

This is a 10-day non-traditional fast - 10 days of no food, only Smashin’ Greens and the other approved supplements. This fast is designed to strengthen mental discipline, cut body fat (not water weight), and kickstart a healthier lifestyle. The benefits of fast mimicking routines are many!

The Smashin’ Greens Shake:

• Add 12-20oz. of cold water to your MASF Blender Bottle (with a blender ball).

• Add one scoop of the Smashin' Greens Superfood Blend to your blender bottle.

• Shake and enjoy (if you prefer the Greens plain and unflavored).

• You may have as many Smashin’ Greens shakes in a day as you would like, but most will have 2-3 daily during the challenges.

Complementary Supplements:

Smashin’ Reds - You may have as many Smashin’ Reds servings daily as you would like. The Smashin’ Reds are loaded with antioxidants and can also help with nitric oxide production. The Smashin’ Reds can be used as a pre-workout for natural energy and enhanced vascularity. The Smashin’ Reds mix great with the Smashin’ Greens and can be mixed into all of your Smashin’ Greens shakes during the challenge.

RECOVERY BCAAs - Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and the RECOVERY BCAAs will help keep your muscles fed during the challenge. BCAAs can be used as intra workout fuel, and mix great with the Smashin’ Greens. You may have as many servings of BCAAs daily as you would like during the  challenges.

MASF Collagen – With the added amino acid, Tryptophan, MASF Type I & III grass fed collagen is a complete source of protein. Collagen is the most abundant source of protein naturally occurring within the body; however, as you age your body’s collagen stores are lessened, and they cannot be restored as quickly. You may have up to two (2) servings of collagen daily during the challenge. We recommend collagen in your first and post-workout shakes

Protein Shakes – During the challenge you may only have a protein shake after a minimum of thirty-minutes of exercise. DO NOT have a protein shake unless you earned it! Vegan protein options, such as pea protein powder, may be used during the challenge.

Additional Flavoring Options:

• Approved sweeteners during the challenge are Stevia or Monk Fruit Extracts.

*You may continue taking your normal daily dietary supplements (MASF MULTI, MASF BOOST, ETC…) as long as they are sugar free.

Rules of the Fast:

• Drink plenty of water; it is very important to stay hydrated.

• You may have black coffee or tea with no sugar and creamers (Collagen, and Whey Protein (if earned) can be mixed with coffee).

• You may have pre-workout during the challenge; however, we recommend using half servings if you are not used to taking pre-workout formulas. Caffeine is a natural appetite suppressant and will help give you extra energy during your workouts. Do not consume more than one serving of MASF RUSH daily.

• You get what you give, so give more! If your goal is weight loss, and if you are feeling up for it, we recommend continuing your regular exercise regimen or incorporating exercise into your lifestyle!

NOTE:  This is the Smashin' Greens non-traditional Fast. Do it this way, do not deviate and you will lose weight, burn fat, and lose inches! I guarantee you will learn something about yourself and see amazing results! It will be hard, but it is not impossible. MINDSET IS EVERYTHING!

PS: You are the weight you are for a reason, and if after the challenge you go right back to the same habits you will quickly find yourself back to where you began! Take the free time you have during the challenges to come up with a plan of action for a healthier lifestyle moving forward! We recommend looking into intermittent fasting routines and choosing a diet that revolves around single ingredient whole foods.


You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting any of the Smashin' Greens Challenges or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start any of the Smashin' Greens Challenges if your physician or health care provider advises against it.

Smashin' Greens Challenge Social Media Requirements

  • Your profile must be public to participate in the challenges.

  • @masf_supplements and @mitch_aguiar must be tagged in all posts.

  • The hashtags #smashyourgreens and #smashingreens must be used on all posts.

  • Day one must be a post including a photograph of you holding the smashin' greens and a video of your weigh-in.

  • During the duration of the challenge you must have daily video weigh-ins on your story tagging @masf_supplements and @mitch_aguiar.

  • Day five post must have side by side photograph of your day one and day five photographs and video weigh-in.

  • Day eleven post must include a summary of your experience, side by side photograph of your day one and day eleven photographs, video weigh-in, and you must tag three people you'd like to see do the challenge.

Smashin' Greens Challenges Order

Integrity Challenge

This is the first of the challenges. In order to successfully complete this challenge, earning the finisher shirt & coin, you must purchase a Smashin' Greens, abide by all social media rules, and lose a minimum of 15 Lbs (Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis).

Accountability Challenge

In order to partake in this challenge you must first successfully complete the Integrity Challenge and be within 5 Lbs of your finisher weight. In order to successfully complete this challenge, and earn the finisher shirt & coin, you must purchase a Smashin' Greens, abide by all social media rules, and lose a minimum of 10 Lbs (Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis.

Elite Challenge

In order to partake in this challenge you must first successfully complete the Accountability Challenge and be within 5 Lbs of your finisher weight. In order to successfully complete this challenge, and earn the finisher shirt & coin, you must purchase a Smashin' Greens, abide by all social media rules.

There is no weight loss requirement for this challenge.

MASF Meltdown Guidline


The MASF Meltdown is a month long challenge where you alternate between non-traditional fasting days utilizing MASF Supplements and clean eating days for an entire month. On your fasting days you have the same items as permitted during the Smashin' Greens challenges. On your clean eating days you must stick to a clean diet. We won't tell you what that diet specifically has to be, but we always recommend sticking to single-ingredient whole foods and avoiding as many processed foods and added sugars as possible.


You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting any of the Smashin' Greens Challenges or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start any of the Smashin' Greens Challenges if your physician or health care provider advises against it.